
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pulled Jackfruit Barbacoa Sandwich

Pulled Jackfruit Barbacoa Sandwich

I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years and have never heard of jackfruit, let alone using it as a meat substitute. So the other day my daughter Jess and I went to SLC to get her eyes checked. We decided to try this little vegan place that we heard about called Buds. I had the barbacoa sandwich and it was amazing. So, yeah....I had to try to do this at home, and here is what I did...

First, I learned that when you use jackfruit as a meat substitute, you can use fresh green jackfruit (I have no idea where to find that) or you can get it in a can. BUT. Do not get the jackfruit in needs to be the young green jackfruit packed in brine. 

Looks like this:

Found it at the 1st Oriental Market downtown. 

One can will make 2 or 3 sandwiches.

Rinse the brine off the jackfruit...

Then squish it a little between your palms to remove the excess water.

Next, in a pan saute a big clove of garlic per can of jack fruit.
Add a teaspoon of Better Than Bullion vegetable broth paste and stir. 
Next throw in the rinsed jackfruit.
saute for a few minutes.
add some Braggs (be generous)

now for the dry spices:

(sorry....I did not measure, but I did coat the jackfruit pretty a bbq dry rub)

smoked paprika
red pepper flakes 

The jack fruit will start to resemble shredded meat. It should get to the point that it is fork tender. 

next I added a bit more Braggs (you could also go with soy sauce here, but I just like Braggs so much better)
add some of your favorite bbq sauce, or if you have a killer bbq sauce recipe you like, use that.
squirt in some yellow mustard.
(careful! hot! Add according to taste...I love it HOT!)
Mix, and let it simmer for a few minutes.

At this point I transfered it to my slow cooker and put it on low for a couple of hours. The flavors do magic stuff if you give them some time. 

While the jackfruit barbacoa was slow cooking away, I made a quick ginger yogurt sauce:
2 parts plain greek yogurt
1 part vegenaise (vegan mayo)
A bunch of freshly grated ginger
Let it sit in the fridge until you are ready to put together the sandwich.

I found lovely ciabatta buns at the local market 
and toasted them.
Spread on the ginger yogurt spread.
Add a handful of very finely shredded green cabbage.

so yum. 

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